Even before the global pandemic struck in the early months of 2020, finding a job in Nigeria as a young adult between the ages of 15 and 22 was almost impossible. In this part of the world, young people are simply told to face their studies and have to depend entirely on their parents for school fees and general upkeep allowances. The pressure to make ends meet falls solely on the parent and in the event of a loss or illness on a parent, the family is usually left to suffer for the daily bread. 

Listening to global news and watching the fast-paced society we live in may leave any individual feeling left out or behind. Skills such as tailoring or bead-making are seen to bring little or no profit. 

We, at OCINIGERIA frown at the ideology of "just make money, we don't care how." We care how money is made, we understand that who become on our journey in life is much more important than the material things we acquire along the way.

This is the main reason why we would love to celebrate our volunteers who make a living through the implementation of their skills. The World Youth Day is officially on Wednesday, 15th July 2020.

However, on Saturday, 18th July 2020, we will be having a conference with some of the eloquent speakers in society now. Ranging from coaches to scholars and business people. Get a chance to ask all your career and skill questions. The event is FREE.


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