Love to the Streets 2018 - Ibadan Pictures & Report

We started by 2:30pm. Privileged to have some corps members join us on the campaign.
Took cabs to challenge roundabout. Shared ourselves into two groups. Went round challenge, Ibadan. Shared the cartons of biscuits we bought, for the children and some physically handicapped on the street. We asked questions and got their response. Though majority did not want their pictures taken or have any recording or videos with their faces or voices in them. It was a great moment
We spoke to some in hausa and yoruba but still could not video them except one and he was shy to talk. Most people had one engagement or the other so they left immediately. We assembled at my house for snacks and drinks.

The initiative sent in 5,000 which we used for the logistics and snacks. We have about 2,000 Naira left which we will send to the initiative's account in preparation for the next outreach.

Tologbonse Itunu


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