Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week 2015

February 9-14 is annually celebrated as the Sexual Reproductive Health Awareness (SRHA) week in Canada and OluwaMiranda has chosen to join in on the fun.

The campaign is focused on creating an awareness on the importance of sexual health as part of our overall well being, and working together to build a stronger culture of healthier and happier sex positive individuals engaging in healthy sexual behaviours.

By affirming and pursuing your right to sexual and reproductive health, and encouraging others to do so, we can help create the foundation for a culture where everyone’s rights to good health are acknowledged and celebrated. We all express our sexuality in different ways, but all informed and consensual forms of sexual expression are worth celebrating.
When we talk openly about sexual health, we help create a culture where our diverse sexual and reproductive health rights and needs are respected in a safe and sex positive way.
Educating ourselves about protection, getting tested, knowing our risks, and learning how to communicate with partners and our health care providers, helps create the healthy consent-based culture that you, your parts, and your community deserve. 

The national theme for SRHA Week, Heart Your Parts, emphasizes self-care.  How do you take care of your sexual and reproductive health?  It starts with being informed and understanding that sexual health is part of overall health. 



  1. This is a chance to bring issues to light about sexual and reproductive health issues and to teach to decrease the spread of sexually transmitted infections.Sexually transmitted infections keep on being one of the major public health concerns.Health awareness occasions make publicity for health issues and plans to enhance the condition and help recovery lives,some of the time these occasions empower preventative action against conditions getting to be more genuine.
    ~Teresa Cooper.


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